Megan McAdams
Problem Solver - Software Engineer - Student Leader
Reliable and friendly problem-solver with software engineering internship experience
and 2 years experience in software innovation solutions as a student assistant.
Past experience additionally includes leadership in academic settings such as creating
and leading programs for students, participating in event committees, and advocating for
students. Received awards such as Outstanding Student Employee of the Year, Outstanding
Junior in Computer Science, and Golden Eagle.
Golden Eagle Award
Spring 2023
For my work as a student leader, I was awarded with the most prestigous award a University of North Texas student can achieve: the Golden Eagle Award.
Outstanding Student Employee of the Year
Spring 2022
In the Spring of 2022, I was awarded Outstanding Student Employee of the Year by UNT for my accomplishments with automating the tuition & fee validation process for over half a billion dollars alongside other projects for UNT Student Accounting.
Summer 2021
During the Summer of 2021, I was the secondary lead for a STEM camp for middle and high school girls. During this camp, they learned about various STEM careers, used design thinking to develop solutions, and learned about the use of VR in educational settings.